The Way We Work Here - A Team Member's Standards Handbook - Our House Rules

The Way We Work Here - A Team Member's Standards Handbook - Our House Rules


Applies to: All WSL

Our house rules

It is important that we have safe, productive and law abiding workplaces and that you are fully aware of the types of behaviours we find unacceptable in the workplace. Unacceptable behaviour will be considered either serious misconduct or misconduct as set out below. 


Examples of misconduct that may incur a warning, final warning or dismissal on notice if you have a pre-existing warning/s (which can be for events of a dissimilar nature) are listed but not limited to:

  • Substandard performance (often coaching and training has been offered prior)
  • Offensive language or rudeness
  • Failing to report to your Manager as soon as practical when late or absent, as well as unauthorised, unreasonable, or frequent absences without acceptable explanation
  • Failing to report damage to company property or other property on company premises to your Manager and failing to report an accident.
  • Smoking outside the designated area/s
  • Stopping your duties without advising your Manager or without a reasonable excuse.
  • Failing to comply with company procedures and expectations including safety, hygiene or quality standards (eg: failing wear proper uniform attire where required and to present a neat and tidy appearance)
  • Inappropriate horseplay, practical joking, skylarking, wasting time or resources
  • Unauthorised non-work use of company computer facilities.



Serious Misconduct

For a single action or behaviour that is totally unacceptable you may be dismissed without notice for serious misconduct, following a full and fair investigation.  Examples of serious misconduct are listed but not limited to:

  • Unauthorised possession, removal, consumption, copying, printing, movement or destruction of property, images, documents or materials digitally or electronically belonging to or stored on behalf the Company, a customer, supplier, contractor, or another Team Member. This includes scrap or damaged items.  All purchases require a sales receipt to be available for inspection on request.
  • Violence or threats of violence, intimidation or other verbal abuse or harassment against customers, suppliers, competitors or other Team Members.
  • Disobedience, negligence, breaches of procedures or other irresponsible actions which affect safety, quality, staff morale, customer service or business performance including refusal to perform normal duties or refusal to comply with lawful and reasonable instructions, and serious failure to observe safety rules and operational procedures.
  • Unauthorised possession or consumption of alcohol, illegal drugs, firearms or dangerous weapons on Company premises, and/or reporting to work unfit for work due to alcohol or drugs.
  • Falsifying or misrepresenting any document presented to or belonging to the Company including medical certificates, time sheets and application forms, or failing to disclose relevant personal information in obtaining employment.
  • Unauthorised written or verbal disclosure of Company information to third parties.
  • Unauthorised markdown of product or acceptance of such products and abuse of discounts including unauthorised application of the Team Card discount programme
  • Sexual or racial harassment or unlawful discrimination or false claims thereof
  • Serious breach of any company network requirements, or serious abuse of computer facilities eg: sending offensive emails, accessing pornographic material or confidential information.
  • A criminal charge or conviction
  • Bringing the Company into disrepute.
  • Leaving the workplace during working hours without authorisation or without reasonable explanation.
  • Conduct or behaviour that materially affects the continued trust and confidence in the employment relationship.

In addition, for Team Members while in store:

  • Misuse of the POS or failing to follow cash handling procedures eg: failing to ring on every product presented at checkout including returns, unauthorised transactions at POS including price overrides, product or transaction deletions, voids, or serving family or friends.
  • Destroying or misplacing cheques or credit card vouchers without authorisation.
  • Divulging personal employee number or password or using another Team Member’s password or pin number at POS or elsewhere.
  • Signing another Team Member in or out at POS, for attendance at work.

3-step disciplinary procedure

We have developed a fair and lawful disciplinary procedure which is used to investigate all allegations of misconduct and poor performance.

You will receive at least 24 hours’ written notice of a disciplinary meeting to allow you to prepare and to obtain independent advice if you wish. 

We investigate and you are given full opportunity to explain at the disciplinary meeting.  You have the right to take independent advice and you can have a representative present at the disciplinary meeting.

The potential outcomes of the disciplinary procedure are a written warning, a final written warning, dismissal with notice or dismissal without notice and will be confirmed in writing. The outcome will be determined based on the severity of the action or behaviour, previous employment history and will take into account previous warnings and disciplinary actions. Each written warning is valid for a 6-month period. This may be extended to 12 months dependant on the seriousness of the matter. There may be instances where, because the misconduct warrants it and the circumstances are fair and reasonable, a final written warning may be issued in the first instance.

We may suspend you on full pay where a serious issue is being investigated, eg: suspected theft or where safety or security is threatened.  You will be consulted about the possibility of suspension before a suspension decision is made.

Refer to our Disciplinary SOP online.


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