The Way We Work Here - A Team Member's Standards Handbook - Claiming Work Expenses

The Way We Work Here - A Team Member's Standards Handbook - Claiming Work Expenses


Applies to: All WSL

Claiming work expenses

Your role may be eligible to hold a Company credit card (Purchasing Card or PCard as we call it) on which to incur company related expenses.  

If you do not have a PCard and you incur an expense on our behalf, we will repay you via a Travel & Expense claim available on inSite or from your Manager.  Travel allowance claims are processed by Payroll either on MyPay or via your Manager.  All work expenses claimed require your Manager’s approval.

Costs incurred on a PCard or reimbursed on a Travel & Expense claim or a travel allowance claim are required to have your Manager’s prior approval and may include reasonable incurrence of:

  • entertainment costs where guests are present for beneficial business purposes, provided you supply names of guests, their company details and the reason for the entertainment
  • team event costs, including food, CEO approved alcohol & other beverages
  • gifts or awards, detailing name and title of gift’s receiver and occasion must be attached
  • work related travel and accommodation costs (using approved suppliers)

You are required to retain original tax invoices or receipts with the suppliers GST number and GST portion detailed (an EFTPOS voucher may not have the required details), and/or appropriate documentation (such as mileage records).  No personal purchases must be made on PCard.

Once you have completed your Claim or reconciled your PCard statement, your Manager (provided they are authorised to approve) will review and approve your claim and in turn submit to Finance. 

Travel & Expense claims for reimbursement need to be submitted by the 15th of each month for payment on the 20th of each month. (Claims need to be made within 3 months of incurring the expense.) 

PCard reconciliations need to be coded electronically with a printout and tax receipts attached sent to Finance around 25th of each month.  Refer to your Manager or Finance for details on use of and reconciliation of your PCard.  If you hold a PCard you will be expected to sign our Purchasing Card policy.

Travel Expenses policy

If your role requires you to travel then we want you to be safe, use our preferred suppliers, and manage any costs. 

You must use our approved travel agency to co-ordinate your flights, accommodation and rental car needs.  All travel requires your Manager’s prior approval.

Flights are to be economy and where safe and time reasonable be at the lowest overall cost.  Any loyalty reward earned through the booking is yours where, at your own cost, you have personal membership of a reward scheme.   Flights incurring reward points should not be booked unless they are the most economical flights available. 

Teams travelling together should ensure to divide the team over flights, cars, boats or train journeys in case of an accident.

Team Members travelling together should share rooms where appropriate. 

When staying overnight, dinner and breakfast will be usually be provided at your accommodation. If you need to purchase meals you may do so with your P card, or if you do not have a P Card, by paying for the meal and claiming the expense later. The maximum amount to be spent(including beverages) should be $15 breakfast and $50 dinner. Any additional costs claimed will be at the discretion of your Manager. This is a guide only, and efforts should be made to keep costs to a minimum.

If travelling on business for the day or longer, lunch and/or beverages are not expected to be reimbursed by the company or purchased with a P card.

If you stay with family or friends while travelling for work purposes, you can claim $30 per night in Warehouse Stationery gift vouchers to give your host. 

For partners and family members to travel with you on business or once your business is complete, it must be at your cost and with your Manager’s prior approval.

If you are ever in doubt, please discuss with your manager.

Use of your vehicle

When you use your vehicle for business travel, provided you have your Manager’s prior approval, you can claim a travel allowance per kilometre for distance travelled beyond your normal distance to work. Our current reimbursement rate is 40 cents per kilometre.

In all instances where it is the lower cost option, you must use a hire vehicle which can be arranged by our approved travel agency (this usually applies when you are travelling in excess of 100km in one day). Business travel does not include getting to and from your normal work place.

If you are involved in an accident and your insurer declines the claim because your vehicle was used for business-related purposes, we will cover the claim and pay any excess over and above your normal excess at our discretion.


Also refer to our PCard policy separately if you are eligible to hold a PCard
Also refer to Travel & Expense claim forms on inSite or check with your Manager