The Way We Work Here- A Team Member's Standards Handbook - A Team Focus on Health and Safety

The Way We Work Here- A Team Member's Standards Handbook - A Team Focus on Health and Safety


Applies to: all WSL

A team focus on health and safety

Your health and safety at work is very important to us. We have systems and procedures in place to ensure that all Team Members and customers are kept safe and these must be complied with.

By working together and abiding by the rules, we will ensure a healthy and safe working environment. 

Make sure you understand fire, evacuation and emergency procedures relevant to your workplace; that you know where safety, fire and first aid equipment is kept and how to use them. We have professional service suppliers to ensure equipment is maintained. We operate a Health & Safety programme with Team Member representatives.


In case of injury

Warehouse Stationery is a member of the ACC partnership programme and uses a company called Gallagher Bassett to carry out any work injury claims and case management services on our behalf. See your Health & Safety representative for an injury info card.

Health and Safety policy

Our vision is “a workplace where no one is injured through environmental conditions or unsafe acts”. Health and Safety legislation requires every Team Member to take all practicable steps to ensure they are safe at work and that no action or inaction of theirs will cause harm to themselves or others.

At each of our locations we have health and safety procedures. You are responsible for playing an active role in following health and safety procedures and promoting a safe working environment. Please report any unsafe or unhygienic working conditions or practices to your Manager immediately. You must observe safety procedures at all times. This includes using protective clothing and equipment where necessary, ensuring all work areas are kept clean and tidy at all times and following rules, signs and instructions as required. 


No Smoking policy

The Warehouse Group (TWG) support the health and wellbeing of our team and indirectly their families/whānau and our customers through strategies that support the team to be smokefree.

We've made this decision as a business because we value the health and wellbeing of our team, and we support the Ministry of Health's initiative to have a smoke free Aotearoa by 2025. Choosing to smoke is an individual choice, and it's important to emphasise that we’re not asking any team member to completely give up smoking if they don’t want to. Our policy and the support we're offering is about helping our team transition to a smoke free workplace, or fully giving up smoking if that's what they'd like to do.

Policy Statements;

  • No smoking is permitted by team members inside TWG buildings, as well as in adjoining carparks and grounds including boundary fences, gardens, entrances and steps.
  • No team member will be permitted to smoke publicly at any time either at work or while travelling wearing a TWG supplied uniform.
  • Team members must conceal any reference that identifies them as TWG employees e.g. uniform must be covered by a jacket while smoking.

Please refer to the Smokefree policy available on the intranet.


Employee Assistance Programme

We have a real interest in your health. We subscribe to OCP (Organisational Counselling Programme) and offer all permanent Team Members and their direct family members the services of confidential and independent professional counsellors. These counsellors are available to assist with personal problems such as alcohol abuse, violence, financial or marital.  It is an anonymous self-referral system. If you have a problem; you call them and arrange a time that suits.

We can provide paid time off to attend up to three sessions, which you will need to arrange with your Manager.  Your Manager may also refer you to call them.

You can contact OCP on 0800 377 990. This is a 24/7 service.

Alcohol and Drug policy

Alcohol, drug or other substance abuse will impair your ability to perform properly and will have serious adverse effect on the safety, efficiency and productivity of others. If you are suspected or found to be under the influence of or to have misused alcohol or drugs, you will not be allowed to work. In addition, compliance to the law will be upheld.

Rules relating to alcohol

  • No alcohol at any of our workplaces or drinking in WSL uniform, unless you have the express approval of: for Stores- your Regional Manager and for Support Office your Department Head/GM.
  • When as above, alcohol is allowed at a function, reasonable, lawful and responsible behaviour is expected.
  • If you drink alcohol while on company business or at a work-related function during work hours, you will take annual leave for the remainder of the day, and while on company business or at a work-related function outside of work hours, you will act in a reasonable, lawful and responsible manner.

Rules relating to drugs

  • The appropriate use and dosage of medically prescribed and over the counter medicines is expected.
  • The possession or use of drugs (including prescription medication that has not been prescribed to you, and synthetic/legal ‘highs’) and any illegal drug is not allowed. Locker checks and bag searches may be conducted if concerns are raised as per our Loss Prevention policy.
  • Possession, selling, distribution and/or use of illegal drugs and/or synthetic/legal ‘highs’ of any sort and/or drug paraphernalia at work or during working hours and the use of illegal drugs and/or synthetic/legal ‘highs’ in uniform or on company business is strictly prohibited.

In cases of dependency

If you have a dependency problem that may affect your work, please let us know. We may offer access to appropriate counselling and allow time away from work if further treatment is required. Any time away from work will be taken from sick or annual leave available, with unpaid leave being at the discretion of your Manager. If your work is or continues to be affected, appropriate disciplinary action may need to be taken.