Managers Guide to the Resignation Process

Managers Guide to the Resignation Process

Applies to: all WSL Management Team


This process is designed to manage the departure of all Team Members for those that have chosen to resign. 

Usually the reprting manager should complete the following process.

Why is it important to get the resignation process right?

The process is designed to smoothly manage the departure of any team member who has chosen to leave the company. We want people who leave us to have the best possible memories of their time with Warehouse Stationery - think of it as the “checkout experience.”

Also if the process is not followed correctly this can lead to claims of ‘constructive dismissal” (a dismissal disguised as a resignation) and personal grievance claims.


1. Team member advises of resignation:
This should preferably be in writing, and provide at least the minimum notice as required in the team member’s employment agreement

2. What if the team member gives more notice than the minimum?
You can’t insist that they only give the notice period required by their employment agreement. 

e.g. if the team member gives 3 month’s notice instead of one month you can’t make the team member finish work in one month’s time.

3. Confirm resignation, respond as necessary:
Usually the manager will simply accept the resignation within 24 hours of the resignation being received. You can use the attached template to accept the resignation. 

In some situations additional steps will be required, namely:

Retention conversation:
  • Discuss their reasons for leaving and if there is an opportunity to change their decision.

Resignation given while extremely upset:
  • explain to the team member that as they are very upset, you won’t accept the resignation at this stage and will allow them 24 hours to reconsider
  • Provide them with the rest of the day off to reconsider, if they are too distressed to work
  • If they then withdraw the resignation, they can return to work
  • You must also address the factors that caused the distress

Resignation given during a disciplinary process:
  • ask the team member if they are sure this is what they want to do
  • explain that you are in the middle of a process and have not made any decisions yet
  • take a break in the process to allow the team member to think about what they want to do
  • if after a break the team member still wants to resign do not write out a resignation notice for them, the team member must do that themselves

Asking to resign after being dismissed:
  • again this must come from the team member; you can’t suggest that as an option yourself
  • check that it is what they want to do
  • contact Ask People Support for advice

Resignation given verbally:
  • request written confirmation of the resignation
  • if you still don’t get this, confirm the verbal resignation yourself by writing to the team member to accept the resignation

Resignation given without a clear leaving date:
  • do not put in a date yourself. Request confirmation of the date from the team member
  • request confirmation of the date from the team member

A semi resignation given:
  • eg “I’ll probably leave before Easter” or “I’m looking for another job”. 
  • please don’t take this as an absolute resignation
  • you can certainly discuss it with the team member but can’t enforce it
  • if the team member has performance issues don’t stop addressing these because they say they “might” leave. If you do you could find yourself in a position where the team member can’t get another job and just drifts along and you still have a poor performing team member

4. What happens if the team member changes their mind after giving notice?
The team member cannot insist on staying in employment. Managers should consider all the facts and then make a decision. If you have employed someone else to replace the resigning team member you cannot stop that new team member from starting work just so the original team member can stay on.

5. Advise business of resignation:
Advise affected team and people within the business of the resignation and finish date.

6. Arrange replacement if necessary:
Refer to the Recruitment Process on Knowledge Base 

7. Coordinate termination process:
This includes completing the Cessation form on MyPay to initiate final pay. Please click here for information on how to do this

Do not leave it until the last minute to notify Payroll.
Please email to disable any pcards or diners cards

8. Payroll prepares final pay:
This will include all outstanding annual leave, alternate holidays and any statutory holidays that would have been worked had the team member worked out their unpaid holidays.

9. Team member requests Certificate of Service if required.

10. Manager completes Certificate of Service:
Use the attached template.

We don’t give written references but can do a Certificate of Service.

11. Team Member requests reference:
You can agree to a verbal reference if requested however a written reference should not be provided. 

11. Give the team member as good a leaving experience as possible:
Team members leave for a variety of reasons and quite a few do return to work with us. 

We also want them to continue shopping with us.

Acknowledge, where possible, their contribution to Warehouse Stationery and the team and wish them well.

12. Team member finishes work, receives final pay.
Ensure that you have collected any company property in the team members possession on their final day. 

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