Management Public Holidays - Christmas and New Years 2018-2019

Management Public Holidays - Christmas and New Years 2018-2019


Applies to: all TWL and WSL team

Management Public Holidays

Public Holiday coverage will also need to be planned for your management team. The rules that apply are similar to those described for Team Members

What is the process?


What coverage will be required on a Public Holiday?

This should be relative to the size of the team that needs to be managed/supervised on the applicable day e.g. Boxing Day is one of the busiest days of the year so it will be important to have sufficient coverage in place to support this; New Year’s Day is typically quieter (particularly in the morning) so will require less management coverage.  Avoid having your team working partial days


Where do I set up my planned coverage?

Your management team’s rosters through December and January should be loaded into PayGlobal.  Use of the applicable coding will indicate whether or not a manager is working on the Public Holiday


Where can I review/check this set up?

Under ‘Leave Reports’ on the store reports page is the ‘Management Public Holiday Report’ This can be used to review your planned coverage outside of reviewing it in PayGlobal itself


Who approves my planned coverage?

Your Regional Manager will review and approve your coverage referring to the ‘Management Public Holiday Report’


How do I account for these extra costs?

Use the salary calculator to establish both the half-time and Alternate Day costs. Note: Christmas and New Year Public Holiday costs will apply to your January forecast


When should I complete my plan? 

Plans should be completed by the as per the Labour Planning Deadlines


How do actual claims get submitted?

On the Public Holidays, you can either clock in & out or record your start & finish times for manual entry into PayGlobal


How can I check actual claims?

Review the ‘Management Public Holiday Report’ and select the ‘actual’ option instead of ‘roster’. Note: you should advise your Regional Manager of any variances to the approved plan


Where can I find more information on this process?

See the ‘Management Public Holiday Claim Process’ document under ‘Labour Planning Info’ on the store reports page