Career Retailer Wage

Career Retailer Wage

Applies to: all WSL team

Career Retailer Wage 


At The Warehouse Group, we recognise that our people are the key to our continued to success. We want to reward our Team Members who have shown a commitment and dedication to working with the Group. We also want to make retail a more attractive career choice. The CRW is a higher hourly wage rate paid to Team Members who meet certain eligibility requirements.

Who does it apply to 

All  Permanent Team members across The Warehouse Group


to be eligible for the Career Retailer Wage Rate you must have:
• Completed more than 5,000 hours service
• Completed and been assessed as competent for all of the required training modules for your role
• Employed on a permanent basis

Rates of Pay

The Career Retailer Wage rates will be determined by the company on an annual basis and will apply for the following 12 month period. The rates will be determined by the company and communicated to all team members prior to 1 August each year. Please see attached document for the current Career Retailer Wage rates.

Becoming Eligible

When you meet the eligibility criteria above you are eligible to be paid the Career Retailer Wage rates. You will be moved onto the new rate at the beginning of the first pay period of the next financial quarter (February, May, August and November)

Career Hours

For the purpose of Career Retailer Wage, career hours are calculated based on the hours you have actually worked. This includes but is not limited to ordinary hours, overtime and worked public holidays.

Where you have left and rejoined the Group the applicable Broken Service policy for the business will be applied to determine whether previous worked hours are carried forward.

Casuals and Fixed Term Members

If you are employed as a Casual or on a fixed term contract, you are not eligible for the Career Retailer Wage. Any hours worked while employed on these contracts will be counted if you secure permanent employment within the group without a break in service longer than the relevant broken service policy.

Completing Training

You must complete and be assessed as competent for all required training for your role. This training will be defined by the Learning Pathways in place for each brand.

The company reserves the right to change and add training for any or all roles as required to meet changing Operational needs. You will be required to complete any changed or new training within the reasonable timeframes specified during the launch of the training.

Changing Roles

If you change your role within a Brand, you will be paid the higher of your current Career Retailer Wage rate or the appropriate rate for the role. When all training has been completed for your new role then you will be paid at the appropriate Career Retailer Wage rate for the role.

If you have stepped down from a  role, continued payment of a higher Career Retailer Wage rate is at the discretion of your Manager.

Transferring within the Group

If you transfer within the Group, the worked hours will be carried across to determine eligibility. If you are currently being paid a Career Retailer Wage, this is not guaranteed to be retained and will be at the discretion of your new manager. When all training is completed, the appropriate Career Retailer Wage rate will be paid for your new role.

Moving from Permanent to Casual/Fixed Term

If you resign from a permanent position and accept casual or fixed term employment, it will be at your managers discretion whether the Career Retailer Wage rate will continued to be paid.

Removing of the Career Retailer Wage rate

In normal circumstances the Career Retailer Wage rate will not be removed from an individual. Once you are being paid a Career Retailer Wage, it will not be taken off you unless:
• You are no longer employed permanently
• You do not complete new or changed training that is required for your role with the specified timeframe. For this to occur there must be demonstrated evidence of non-compliance of requests to complete the training.
• You choose to move to a different brand that has a different applicable Career Retailer Wage structure

Amendments to the Career Retailer Wage

Ordinarily no adjustments will be made to the terms of the Career Retailer Wage, however The Warehouse Group reserves the right to amend or remove the plan to address organisational strategies.


Who is eligible for the Career Retailer Wage?
If you are a permanent team member, have completed 5,000 hours OR 5 years of service within TWG and completed the required training for your role, then you are eligible for Career Retailer Wage.

When do I get paid the Career Retailer Wage?
If you have become eligible to receive the Career Retailer Wage at any point during the year will receive it from the first pay cycle in the first month of the next financial quarter i.e. August, November, February and May.

Will I get back paid if I become eligible for the Career Retailer Wage at any point during the quarter?
There will be no back pay of the Career Retailer Wage as, it will apply to you from the first pay cycle in the first month of the next financial quarter i.e. August, November, February and May.

What do you mean by fully trained?
All training modules for the top wage step of your role have been completed and assessed as competent.

Why 5,000 hours?

5000 hours equates to someone who has worked for 3 years at 32 hours a week, or 6 years at 16 hours a week. We feel that 5,000 shows a long term commitment to the company and retail as a career.

Is the 5,000 hours just for my current role?
No the 5,000 hours is based on all the work that you have completed since you joined the company

Does everyone who is eligible get an increase?
No. In some cases we have team members who are already earning more than the Career Retailers Wage. For these people their rates will not be increased as a result of this. However, they will continue to be reviewed each year as part of the normal annual process.

Does this replace the annual increase?
No. This is separate from the annual IEA process. We will still be negotiating those rates that make up our pay table. This initiative is separate to what is agreed during that process.

Will I carry on with my Career Retailer Rate if I change roles and move to another brand within the Group?
If you transfer within the Group, the worked hours will be carried across to determine eligibility. If you are currently being paid a Career Retailer Wage, this is not guaranteed to be retained and will be at the discretion of your new manager. When all training is completed, the appropriate Career Retailer Wage rate will be paid for your new role.