Leading On Tools - OILS for Feedback

Leading On Tools - OILS for Feedback

Applies to: all TWG Team members

Feedback Model OILS Overview

Building a strong feedback culture is a key part of performance and development. It drives improvement, increases capability and trust. The OILS model is a great tool for providing quality feedback balancing criticism and guidance.

Tips for giving feedback

  • Ensure any criticism is about the work or behaviour and not person.
  • Be mindful of body language, words used and tone as it affects how the feedback is perceived.
  • Consider personalities, timing and environment
  • Have your suggestions ready. Be specific with how and what they can improve.
  • Feedback is also positive. It’s important to recognise great work and behaviour.

Feedback works both ways. Being open to feedback and improvement is critical to building trust with your team. If you can’t put yourself in a vulnerable state, why would the team member want to do the same in front of you?

As trust is built with your team, you will find they will be much more receptive and may begin to seek it out as they develop and build confidence.

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